Steven Noble illustrations, working under the name “Noble Illustrations Incorporated” is located in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a commercial illustrator Steven Noble has built an excellent reputation over the years within the industry and strives to maintain the highest standard of service to his clients. He is highly experienced in the areas of illustrating logo identities, brand identities, packaging labels, editorial, and animations. His specialization in the scratchboard, woodcut, engraving, line art, etching, and pen and ink mediums is unsurpassed.
Recognized with numerous awards: 2006 Rosey Awards, 2001 Mead Show Award, Brand New 2009, Communications Arts 1997, National Addy Awards 2010, 2016 Spritis Growth Brands Awards, Print Magazine Illustrator of the Week, 2016 Silver Addy Award, and Lurzer’s Archive 2017 200 Best Illustrators in the world.
Large and diverse projects executed with a passionate attention to detail, including logo marks, brand identity, packaging, maps, portraits, food, editorial, landscapes, architecture, and conceptual illustrations. Over the course of over 25 years design firms and ad agencies have come to rely on Steven Noble’s high quality commissioned illustrations.
After 25 years in the commercial illustration industry his goal is simple. To take a rough concept from the client and translate that into a final and successful illustration. This process can take several steps that include a series of preliminary pencil sketches and/or mock-ups and revisions to reach to final approval stages. As an illustrator, he is a very visual person, therefore he does operate at an 80% visual communication level versus a 20% verbal communication level. Words can only go so far and have their limit. At the end of the day, he wants to provide the very best results in order for the client to succeed in the market place. The power of illustration and graphics can never be under estimated. An illustration is a terrific investment in the long term and there have been several instances where many of those investments in illustration have paid large dividends over the course of time especially when it comes to their branding. Illustration helps to tell a story of what the brand is all about and gives it depth and personality along with brand recognition. Early man communicated first through visual graphics (pictographs and hieroglyphics) and we are still to this day wired to more easily communicate visually through graphic images. Steven Noble calls it the “3-5 second rule.” An illustration has to translate the message very fast especially in today’s world where the normal attention span lasts on average between 3-5 seconds.
Steven Noble looks at working with a client as a partnership. He is a craftsman and expert in his field and when he’s commissioned to work on a project you are not only hiring him for his skill set and experience alone but for what he can to bring entirely to the table. This includes his vast amount of intellectual property that he has at his command not including hundreds of logos and thousands of illustrations created and collected over the course of several years that help to bring an idea into a final visual concept.
Steve is one of those rare creative types who can use both hemispheres of his brain to create tight, outstanding illustrations–every time.
His website speaks volumes about the quality of his work, so let me speak to the quality of his ethos:
Steve is sharp, friendly and very professional. He pulls out the stops and delivers above-expectation results consistently. Thanks Steve!
His work and career speak for themselves, but what might not come across is the superb professionalism and intelligence of this artist, his work ethic and the pleasure of his personality and responsiveness to ideas. If you are a demanding conceptual creative director who needs a partner in bringing your ideas to life at the highest level of craft, I cannot recommend Mr. Noble too highly.